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My Book



About the book

When there is someone at our side, challenging times become more bearable. Whether it is an unexpected life-ending diagnosis, loss of employment or even of the ability to go places and see people, the presence of another alongside us offers reassurance and a confirmation of our value and membership in a circle of compassion, caring and love.


Author Rev. Linda gives us what we need to feel confident in walking together through our living—and especially through our dying.

This book is for you

  •  If you live with or work with someone who is dying

  •  If you are mortal—meaning you will die one day—and are ready to begin an exploration of your own death, end of life wishes and choices 

  •  If you are interested in changing our cultural concept of death and dying

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You will discover

  • How to prepare yourself to be at bedside

  • Elements of being a truly supportive presence

  • Dimensions of loss, of dying and of a peaceful passing  

  • The unique role of music and song, including bedside singing

  • The mystery and wonder of death—and after


Why I wrote The Courage to Care: being fully present with the dying

My book is a call for you to be at someone’s bedside. Long before our current health, emotional and national crisis, I was writing to prepare you to be there. After sitting at the bedside of family members and later sitting at hundreds more as a hospice vigil volunteer and bedside singer, my heart broke open with profound compassion for the many souls who wait, often alone, for death.


They do not receive full measure of our genuine regard, attention and presence. My book will open the way for you to discover your courage and learn how to be fully present with the dying. You are needed to be there at bedside.


Someone is waiting, today, for you and your smiling face.


Praise for Linda's Book

"This book is really a work of love and truth, full of experience and compassion, an offering of confidence and sensitivity. It is full of wise counsel and stories that will land in the mind of your heart and stay there as guidance and reminders of what is possible, whether at the bedside of a dying friend or as you navigate your daily life."


"In her poignant and practical book, The Courage to Care, Linda Bryce shows us how to prepare, be there, and receive the many gifts that death brings.  We all need this book close at hand, to be read now and again when death comes knocking.  An invaluable resource for every family, every congregation, every place where people gather. "


"Linda helps create the space for us to summon up the courage inside us all and provide the dignity and compassion needed for a journey we all will be eventually traveling, birthing our souls and light to the unknown. Holy work requires holy preparation and The Courage to Care is just that."

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