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Today is National Doctors’ Day. A wonderful opportunity to remind you why you need to complete this simple, easy form.

What is a health care proxy? With a proxy, you choose the person you trust to communicate your health care wishes in a temporary or ongoing situation when you cannot speak for yourself. You can change your proxy whenever you wish.

Go ahead. Download your state’s form now.

3 REASONS WHY YOU NEED A HEALTH CARE PROXY (also called advanced care directive or living will depending upon your state):

1. Medical personnel need to know who to go to for medical decisions when you cannot speak for yourself--

If you have an accident

In an emergency

If you progress to a permanent physical or mental state where you cannot make or communicate your health care wishes.

2. Your proxy advocates on your behalf based on your choices when there are different opinions among family members as to how to proceed.

3. Gives you peace of mind when you have chosen someone whom you trust to speak for you in a temporary or longer time of need.

Additional information about health forms in my bestselling book, The Courage to Care: Being Fully Present with the Dying.

Also see, The Conversation Project, for how to begin these conversations.

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