How long will this take? I just don’t know if I can go on.
We all have these moments. I remember when I was a junior in college and I wondered what I would do when I finished school. I had been working my way through with no outside assistance. One day I broke. I cried so long and so hard that my eyes swelled. I wore sunglasses until my red, puffy face began to look more normal.
I hung on. I finished.
Little Pumpkin hung on, too. All through the long, cold winter—like the times in our lives when we feel as though we are in a perpetual winter.
Like Little Pumpkin who felt all alone and scared, I too trusted that the Old Oaks in life and the something greater than ourselves would be with us and watch over us and, as Julian of Norwich said, “All will be well.”
Learn more about the Little Pumpkin children’s book series here: and grab your free gifts, with no obligation.
Excitement is building. Prereaders cannot wait until Old Oak and Little Pumpkin launches. If you have little ones in your life, they will thank you for getting on the notification list—plus picking up your the free gift.
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And always remember, the sun is always shining, even when we cannot see it.
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