Old Oak and Little Pumpkin, a story based on one created by my late husband Lloyd as he was tucking in our four children, is now available.
Our Little Pumpkins scare easily and need reassurance from their Old Oaks that they are safe and loved. Those Old Oaks may be human or religious figures, but they all offer a message that we are never alone even when it may seem so.
There are
vibrant illustrations;
lyrical language: Old Oak watches as the spring rains sprinkle drop plop, the seeds sprout in the nearby field, and summer's twisty twirly curly vines become teeny tiny greenie pumpkins...
and a butterfly hunt in each illustration, this book is perfect for ages 3-8.
Beginner readers and moms, grandparents, and teachers are praising this book. So many positive reviews! I am humbled and grateful.
Purchase a copy today at the discounted eBook price of $1.99 for a Little Pumpkin of your own or to give as a gift to a classroom, pediatric care hospital, foster care agency, day care center or....
You can bring a smile and a caring, loving presence to a little one.
Purchase and Click Me.